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Bettina Steuri

Bettina Steuri

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 450
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Bettina Steuri grew up in Switzerland and has now called Hamburg her home for over ten years. In autumn 2022, she completed her part-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Sustainability Management at Leuphana University Lüneburg; her previous studies focused on architecture and resource-efficient urban planning.

Bettina Steuri has been a research associate at the Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS) since 2016 and has applied her knowledge to the development of various climate services. She coordinated the first funding phase of Net-Zero-2050, Cluster I of the Helmholtz Climate Initiative. In this project, a team of around 70 people from ten Helmholtz centres worked on strategies and new approaches for a CO2-neutral Germany by 2050, focusing on technologies for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as well as its storage and use. The results were incorporated into a national pilot roadmap; the results are currently being discussed in stakeholder dialogues and subjected to a reality check. In addition, she supported the co-development of the user-friendly urban climate model PALM-4U as part of the Urban Climate Under Change funding programme and led the urban living lab in the first funding phase. She is currently responsible for the continuation of the model at GERICS.

Bettina Steuri puts her heart and soul into communicating the results of her research to various target groups. On the one hand, she has published her research results in various renowned journals (peer-reviewed), and on the other hand, she has created communication formats in inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration, often supplemented by easy-to-understand (info) graphics.

Selected publications:

Net-Zero-2050 Helmholtz Climate Initiative LinkedIn