GERICS Product Finder Your Search Results Order/RequestClimate-Fact-Sheets Heavy rain and heat - new details on climate change Fact sheets on possible climate change at county level Climate outlook on county-level Publikationen / Publications Klimawandel in Deutschland - Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven (Climate change in Germany - Development, Consequences, Risks and Prospects, 2nd edition) The book ‘Climate Change in Germany’ (available in German only) describes climate change and possible consequences for Germany for the various problem areas, natural areas and sectors. eBook (Open Access) Karten und Visualisierungen / Maps and Visualisations ADAPTER Klimaprodukte Wie verändert der Klimawandel für die Landwirtschaft wichtige Klimagrößen? Was bedeutet das für die Entwicklungsstadien und Toleranzbereiche von Feldfrüchten in Deutschland? Die interaktiven ADAPTER Klima-Informations-Produkte basieren auf der neuesten und umfassendsten Datenbank aus regionalen Klimamodellen. ADAPTER Produktplattform Karten und Visualisierungen / Maps and Visualisations ADAPTER-Dürredossier Wie außergewöhnlich war die Dürre der vergangenen Jahre? Ist sie Teil eines langfristigen Trends? Werden derart trockene Jahre in Zukunft durch den Klimawandel häufiger werden? Gilt dies auch für die Frühjahrstrockenheit der letzten Jahre? Wie aussagekräftig sind die Klimamodelle? Unser Dürredossier liefert einfach gehaltene und wissenschaftlich fundierte Antworten. Es bietet einen interaktiven visuellen Einblick in die Daten in Form von Karten, Zeitreihen und Balkendiagrammen. ADAPTER-Dürredossier Karten und Visualisierungen / Maps and Visualisations GERICS-Bundesländer-Check GERICS-Bundesländer-Check: Wie werden einzelne Bundesländer in Zukunft von extremer Hitze und Änderungen in der Niederschlagsmenge betroffen sein? Bundeslaender-Check Reports Report 17 Adapting to Climate Change: Methods and Tools for Climate Risk Management further information Climate-Focus-Papers Climate-Focus-Paper "Cities and Climate Change" The Climate-Focus-Paper Cities and Climate Change has been developed to highlight the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through climate mitigation policies, as well as for adaptation action to combat existing and potential climate impacts for cities. further information Karten und Visualisierungen / Maps and Visualisations GERICS Climate Signal Maps regional Climate Signal Maps help to assess future regional climate change in Germany. further information Baukästen / Toolkits GERICS Regional Modelling Toolkit (Regionaler Modellierbaukasten) The Regional Modelling Toolkit will allow to analyse the impacts of climate change in a region. The size of the region that will be investigated can range from continental scale to the size of the city. further information Karten und Visualisierungen / Maps and Visualisations GERICS Climate Signal Maps global The global Climate Signal Maps are mapping the robustness of global climate change information. further information Publikationen / Publications Broschüre Klimawandel: Was er für die Landwirtschaft bedeutet further information Publikationen / Publications IMPACT2C Policy Brief 3 further information Publikationen / Publications IMPACT2C Policy Brief 2 Effects of 2°C Warming – IMPACT2C modelling results: climate change and sea-level rise from a 2°C climate further information Publikationen / Publications IMPACT2C – Project Final Report A comprehensive assessment of the impacts and costs of a temperature increase of +2°C (or +1.5°C) on different sectors such as water, energy, agriculture, infrastructure and health has been undertaken further information Publikationen / Publications IMPACT2C Policy Brief 1 Policy Update on 2°C Warming – Analysis of early IMPACT 2C climate modelling results further information Reports Report 13 Statistical methods for the analysis of simulated and observed climate data further information Reports Report 27 Synthesis of existing regional and sectoral economic modelling and its possible integration with regional earth system models in the context of climate modelling further information Reports Report 11 Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin - Final Report further information Climate-Fact-Sheets Klimaausblicke für Landkreise Reports Report 7 Rückwirkungen von Landnutzung und Bewässerung auf das simulierte lokale und regionale Klima der Metropolregion Hamburg further information Reports Report 4 Bedarfsanalyse Klimawandel - Fragen an die Land- und Wasserwirtschaft further information Weiterbildung / Trainings WASCAL WRAP 2.0 LANDSURF In the BMBF-funded project WASCAL WRAP 2.0 LANDSURF, an Earth system model for West Africa is being developed that will enable the provision of high-resolution regional climate change information. Andere / Other Country-Fact-Sheets Country-Fact-Sheets for the Congo-Basin with detailed sheets for Climate, Hydro & Energy, Agriculture, Forestry further information Weiterbildung / Trainings Project SASSCAL The SASSCAL project's mission is to conduct problem-oriented research in the area of adaptation to climate change and sustainable land management and provide evidence-based advice for decision-makers and stakeholders to improve the livelihoods of people in the region and to contribute to the creation of an African knowledge-based society. further information Andere / Other IMPACT2C IMPACT2C identified and quantified the impacts and most appropriate response strategies of a 2°C global warming for Europe and three selected vulnerable regions in other parts of the world. A resulting web-atlas summarises in maps and texts the impact of global 2°C warming on different sectorial stories. 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